12 Different Exercise Programs Depending of your Fitness Level and Health Condition

“Exercise is your best medicine”, I think I mention that in almost all my blogs! It is simply true. Perhaps if doctors would prescribe more exercise for their patients, we would have a healthier population.

Match your physical activity to your mental and physical health. Physical activity can be modified to accommodate your fitness or emotional level (less energy), or to adapt to your needs after surgery, or health conditions. If you are not feeling great, chose an easier form of exercise. If you are feeling like you can lift an elephant, go harder, or go home! You always need to listen to your body. If there is pain, you are going to fast and too far too soon. Reduce your exercise intensity.

I have created a list of different activities with the reasons why they may be beneficial. I have also listed some exercise programs that can benefit some health conditions. Have a look.

  • Pool such as Aquafit, why?
    • Buoyancy of the water makes it easier on joints and lower back.
    • The pool is so amazing for rehabilitation after a joint replacement or back surgery.
    • Get a massage to the entire body by moving in the water.
    • Increase your cardiovascular capacity.
    • Improve your posture, balance, and flexibility.
    • Gain muscle mass to protect your bones in case of fall.
    • Work on stability of the pelvis and on core strength.
    • It is a fun way to exercise. I always bring different games to work on coordination, memory, reflex, speed, and agility.
    • Reduce your daily pain and inflammation.
    • If you lose your balance and fall, you won’t hurt yourself!
  • Pool such as swimming, why?
    • Increase your cardiovascular capacity.
    • Work the entire body.
  • Upright bike, why?
    • Very good for rehabilitation after a knee or hip surgery.
    • Improve your cardiovascular capacity.
    • Gain muscle mass in the legs.
  • Recumbent bike, why?
    • Usually more comfortable for people who are overweight.
    • Easier on the sits bone.
    • Easier for sore feet and ankles.
    • Improve your cardiovascular capacity.
  • Low Bone Density Exercise Class such as Osteofit, and Chair Exercise (Get up and GO) why?
    • It is a specific class for people with low bone density (osteopenia and osteoporosis). I have been trained by the BC Women’s Hospital to show proper technic to exercise safely without creating micro and painful fractures at the neck and spine.
    • It is a fall prevention program.
    • Work on stability of the pelvis and on core strength.
    • Improve your cardiovascular capacity.
    • Improve your posture, balance, and flexibility.
    • Gain muscle mass to protect your bones in case of fall.
    • It is a fun way to exercise. I always bring different games as well to work on coordination, memory, reflex, speed, and agility.
    • Reduce your daily pain and inflammation.
  • Yoga, why?
    • Quiet the mind.
    • Practice deep breathes.
    • Improve posture, balance, and flexibility.
    • Practice you to go down and up from the floor.
    • Practice more challenging asanas (poses) than seated in a chair.
    • Work on stability of the pelvis and on core strength.
  • Chair Yoga, why?
    • Easier on joints such as hip, knees, ankles, and feet.
    • Quiet the mind.
    • Practice deep breathes.
    • Improve posture, balance, and flexibility.
    • A chair in use for support on standing poses.
    • Perfect class for beginners or after a surgery.
  • Pilates, why?
    • People don’t have core strength anymore and Pilates is perfect for it.
    • Work on stability of the pelvis.
    • Get a stronger pelvic floor to stop incontinence.
  • Personal Trainer, why?
    • Work out properly and safely.
    • Get motivated to work out.
    • Reach your goals.
    • Get lean muscle mass and reduce your body fat.
    • Improve posture, balance, flexibility.
    • Work on stability of the pelvis and on core strength.
    • Improve your cardiovascular capacity.
    • Reduce your pain and inflammation.
  • Treadmill, why?
    • Improve your cardiovascular capacity.
    • If your goal is to run a 5k, jump on a treadmill.
    • You don’t have any problems or pain with your lower body.
    • Get leaner and burn more fat.
  • Elliptical, why?
    • It is a low impact type of cardio and perfect for knees, ankles and feet pain.
    • Work your lower body and arms at the same time.
    • Improve your cardiovascular capacity.
  • Get a dog, why?
    • It forces you to go outside for walks!
    • Get fresh air.
    • Improve your cardio.
    • Get strong legs.

If you have health issues, before you start any physical activity, you need a medical clearance. You can get one by calling or visiting your physician or by dialing 811. Then, follow the guidelines prescribed by your physician. You can start with a low intensity exercise program and do it for just 10 minutes each day. Then, each week, increase the duration by 5 minutes. You will be surprised how a gentle build up in an exercise program can speed up your recovery and improve your mental outlook.

  • Arthritis: Aquafit, Osteofit, cycling, walking, strength training
  • Knee and Hip Replacement: cycle, Aquafit, strength training, walking
  • Overweight/Obese: pool, recumbent bike, chair exercise, walking, strength training
  • Pain in feet and ankles: Recumbent bike, Aquafit, pool, strength training
  • Low Bone Density: Osteofit only, walking, treadmill
  • Parkinson’s Disease: pool, Tai Chi, dancing, biking, and an exercise program that focus on balance, speech, stretch the chest, strength and flexibility
  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s: Aquafit, puzzles, memory games, recumbent bike, walking, exercise program that focus on memory, balance, agility, coordination, speed, and reflex
  • Hearing Challenges: any type of exercise. Make sure they can see well the instructor. They are going to use their vision to execute the exercise program
  • Heart Condition: physical activity is very important to keep your heart strong. What is your favorite activity? Do it 3-5 times per week
  • Lungs Problems such as COPD: do any activities to increase your lungs capacity such as swimming, Yoga, Aquafit, Chair Yoga, biking, strength training, walking, treadmill or elliptical
  • Diabetes: type 2 diabetes is related to inactivity, so just start exercising and chose an exercise program that you like. Start slow and increase time and intensity progressively
  • Cancer: even during treatments, it is proven to help with side effects and avoid getting complications. Do what you can: brisk walk, stretching yoga, Aquafit, swimming
  • Broken bones: work the other part of your body! With me, there are no excuses!

Exercise is good not only for your body, it improves your spirit, mood and it is a huge social aspect. I love my classes because there is no judgment, just a little competition with the game activities and a lot of fun.

Stay active and stay safe:)

During this time of Covid-19 restrictions, it is important to exercise safely and to follow the mandated guidelines. Exercise outdoors whenever possible and appropriate. Remember, I am always available for consultation. I can be contacted here.

Get my exercise videos here.

Remember, be safe, be patient, eat healthy, and EXERCISE.