Get back on Track!

Personal Training, Reformer & Mat Pilates, Yoga, Small Group Training, Older Adult and Aquatic

A new year a new you 2025 workout videos

Melanie Morrisette, PT, SFL

Personal Trainer | Corrective Exercise Specialist | Stott Reformer Pilates | Mat Pilates and Yoga Instructor | Cancer Survivor | PD | Stroke | Senior Specialist | Osteofit | Aquatic

Melanie Morrisette, PT, SFL

Personal Trainer | Corrective Exercise Specialist | Senior Specialist | Aquatic | Osteofit | Yoga & Pilates | Cancer Survivor Specialist


Workout Videos

Fitness for 50+ | Yoga | HIIT | Kickboxing | Yoga Core | Ab & more

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Classes Calendar

View our current class schedule so you can get into the program

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Pre and post workout recipes.

Fast & Easy to cook at home

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Older Adult Specialist

Specializing in the following

Low Bone Density

Low Bone Density (Osteofit)


Arthritis Exercise Specialist

Cancer Survivor

Cancer Survivor

Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's Disease



Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga




7 Ways to Stay Healthy and Fit with Age: A Guide to Lifelong Wellness

As we age, maintaining good health and fitness becomes increasingly important for leading a vibrant and fulfilling life. While it’s... View Article

How to Stay Motivated to Exercise Daily After Your New Year’s Resolution Fizzles Out

By the end of February, the excitement and energy from New Year’s resolutions can start to fade. If you’re like... View Article

What Our Clients Say

Client Testimonials

Michelle L.

Mel, thank you so much for all your great Bosu classes and your dedication!  Thank you for being you and  so wonderful!

Doris M.

Melanie, you have taught me to keep my shoulders down, have better self-esteem and you have made me push my limits without injury.  My injuries are always self-inflicted!

Christmas Spirit

Melanie, thank you so much for working with me this past year. I feel more of it and your classes have been a lot of fun.  Have a wonderful Christmas time.

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