Do You Have People in Your Life Who Inspire You?

I feel very lucky to have people inspiring me every day. Some are clients, participants, friends and mentors. Even my parents have been a huge role models for me.

One client is Jim. I’m proud to mention his age in my classes because Jim is truly amazing! He is 87 years of age. He comes to 4 classes a week and I even kick his butt at the gym on Wednesday. He is my inspiration because I want to be in as good shape as him at 87 years old! Jim and I share a special relationship and I am proud to call him my friend. He is always in a happy mood, has such a big heart and he is always willing to help me with classes.

My second inspiration is friends. One of them is very well known in town and around the world. Her name is Crystal (check out her website). In her 20’s, she crossed Canada on a twin bike with her twin sister to collect funds for cancer. She has done 12 Ironmans and I was there to cheer her on at her last one in Penticton. To accomplish an Ironman, it requires a lot of training. She hadn’t trained enough for the last one and she completed it successfully. She wants me to complete in an Ironman with her but I’m so not interested. It is too much training, too much stress on joints. That is just not my dream. I’d rather have a life! I want to be in good shape, look good, young and healthy; that’s it! But she is truly amazing because, to me, she is an accomplished athlete and, let’s say it, a machine!

Another of my amazing girlfriends is Marjan. She got married very young and got her first child at 18 years old. While she was raising her daughter, she studied to become a nurse and then a nurse practitioner. During Covid, we didn’t see each other very much because she was too busy working at the hospital and also studying to become a doctor. She did it! We celebrated her achievement a few months ago. She is a busy woman: raising 3 daughters, a husband (oh ya, trust me, she is raising him too!!!) and working full time.

My parents have been amazing too and, obviously, have helped me become the woman I am today. They have been married for over 47 years and are still very happy together. My father was the third generation working at the Noranda Smelter and I was the fourth one working in the chemistry lab. He is such a great handyman. He can repair his own tractor, quad and snowmobile. He was an electrical designer (on blueprints) for the smelter and he planned and installed the entire electricity in their new house.

My mom stayed home until my younger sister and I started going to school. While raising us, she went back to university to complete her certificate in accounting. She worked full-time; before retiring she was working at a bank. While both working, my parents built their own big house and garage! The only thing they didn’t do themselves is the foundation! It was a lot of work and they were exhausted. To me, this is truly amazing. I’m ok renovating a house but I don’t see myself working full-time in fitness and then going home to build a house from scratch!

I am sure you have people in your life who inspire you. Stay close to them because they might help you thrive in life. Indeed, you also are an inspiration to people around you. You might not know it but you truly are an inspiration. Continue to get out of your comfort zone. Get out and explore the world, try a new sport, join a singing group, learn a new language… no one can stop you. In fact, you are the one setting your own limit! Just go for it. THE SKY is the limit!