10 Reasons You Should Volunteer

Have you ever volunteered for an organization? It is very rewarding and people appreciate it so much. I know, I get it, some of you barely have time for yourselves. You don’t need to volunteer every week. If you work full time, it can be just a few hours per month. It is all about being organized. I use my calendar a lot: for work, my personal appointments and my workout time. If I have time left, usually at the end of the day/evening, I like to give back to others by volunteering. I have been volunteering for Canadian Blood Services since 2014 and, a few years ago, I began at the Community Theatre.

Volunteering is a way of giving our time to people who need it more than us.

There are great benefits to volunteering. Here is why you should start now:

  • Meet new people. Who knows, you could meet a new friend! I have so many clients who have lost their spouse and are now alone. Giving back is a good way to get out of your house, meet fantastic people and to create meaningful relationships with others.
  • Get out of your comfort zone. It is not easy to approach strangers and talk to them. However, it helps you to grow as an individual and improve your social and relationships skills.
  • Live longer. People who volunteer are usually happier, more active and generally eat well.
  • Combat depression. Volunteers are surrounded by people who often enjoy similar interests.  Not only do they have fun, but volunteering also gives them a sense of shared purpose.
  • Stay away from dementia and Alzheimer’s. When your brain stays active, you learn new skills and you challenge yourself. Volunteers have better long-term and short-term memory.
  • Stay healthier. It is proven that volunteers are healthier than non-volunteers because they are simply more active.
  • Volunteering is good for your career. It always looks good on a resume to show you are organized to volunteer while working fulltime.   Indeed, if you volunteer, you might make more money than those who don’t because you create new connections and learn new skills.
  • Giving back gives you a sense of purpose.  Even though you aren’t earning a salary, volunteering gives you a good reason to get out of the house.  You should choose an organization that you like and believe in. For example, you would volunteer at the SPCA only if you like animals!
  • Learn new skills. Learning give you opportunities to add to your personal and professional skill set. The experience helps to improve your teamwork, leadership, problem-solving and people skills. 
  • Volunteering increases your self-confidence and brings positive emotions. It gives you a sense of pride and identity toward yourself.
  • Volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life. It is a nice way to explore your interests and passions.

Where to start? When I was ready, I simply googled it: volunteer Kelowna.

I hope these reasons will give you the necessary push to start giving back today. Volunteering in your community is so rewarding and it feels good to give without any expectations.