Do You Have Pain or Health Condition Related To Your Workplace?
When you spend 40 or more hours a week behind a desk, lift heavy loads or do repetitive tasks, you might end up with work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). It can be:
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Neck and shoulders pain (get your free neck and shoulder stretches video here)
- Back pain (get your free back pain release video here)
- Rotator cuff disorders
- Bursitis
- Tendinosis
- Tennis and golfer elbow (epicondylitis), etc.

When you are in pain, it affects your training sessions at the gym or at home and quality of life.
In 2016, The Canadian Orthopedic Care Strategy Group has estimated that WMSDs are “the most costly medical condition in Canada: $22 billion”.
It is also costly, not only to Canadians but also to companies. When I was in Quebec (QC), I had a chance to work as an Occupational Hygiene Technician for the QC government. I had to evaluate different workplaces for possible worker health risks and ergonomics was one of them. I loved my job! So I have experience in that field to evaluate and adjust your workplace to make it safer and better ergonomically.

Modifying your workplace can be easy for you and inexpensive to your employer. It can be:
- Adjusting the height on your computer screen
- Buying a sitting/standing desk
- Investing in ergonomics tools such as mouse, chair, keyboard
- Providing telephone headsets, etc.
Indeed, because of my fitness background, I can now help you reducing and eliminating your work related pain with different stretching and strengthening exercises.
I also offer exercise and fitness services for corporations and their workers (yoga, yoga stretch, strength training, HIIT and more). Your next step is to convince your employer! It is a direct financial benefit because workers are more efficient and productive. There are fewer injuries and less absenteeism, fewer workers’ compensation claims and longer careers. Please contact me for a consultation.
I would be happy to conduct training seminars to your workplace (just like I did in QC) to help workers to reduce their WMSDs.
Read more here:
- Release pain by doing 20 minutes of stretches per day. Get the VIDEOS HERE by Mel and Abstract Fitness
- 5 SIMPLE STRETCHES TO DO AT WORK by Mel and Abstract Fitness
- 15 Simple And Quick Office Stretches To Boost Work Efficiency by Lifehack