30 Fun Activities to do During the Fall Season
When the temperature gets colder and days shorter, your habits change. Do you stay home more often? Do you become less active? Just like bears, you prepare your body to hibernate! But if you hibernate, you will find the fall and winter months very very long! Let’s find you some stimulating activities you can enjoy this fall season with your family and friends.

1- Clean the backyard and make it fun by jumping in piles of leaves.

2- Be a tourist in your own town!
Tourist are gone and attractions are quieter. It is the perfect time to visit them. Visit a petting zoo, farm, or enjoy wine tasting,
3- Decorate your front door and porch with fall decorations.
Get easy ideas here: 40 Elevated Ways To Decorate Your Porch This Fall by House Beautiful

4- Go on a hike.
There are so many trails to explore. Find them on the tourist information of your town.

5- Play Geocaching!
Bring family and friends together to play. The only thing you need is the Geocaching app, your smartphone, a pen, and little treasures that you can leave in the cache when you find it.
6- Prepare your car for winter.
Change your tires, clean the inside, add safety items for emergency. Be sure you have included a winter survival kit. Get the list here: Prepare Your Vehicle by Shift into Winter

7- Let’s can and preserve what you have harvested from your garden or bought from local farmers.
I love canning in the fall. I preserve mostly tomatoes and I make a big batch of tomato sauce for pasta or other recipes. Get some recipes here. Learn how to can here: A Beginner’s Guide to Canning by Serious Eats

8- Go for a walk and enjoy the different colors created by mother nature.
Find walking trails on the tourist information of your city.
9- Pick up fresh apples.
This is such a great activity to do with kids! Keep apples in a cool room all winter and make sugar free apple sauce for canning. Get my apple sauce recipe that I use here.
10- Bring the family or get friends together to visit a corn maze.
Farmers want to stay opened as long as possible to offer their fall and local products. Some of them are also very creative and add different activities for families such as a corn maze! Google it to find one in your hometown.

11- Pick up pumpkins to carve and buy more to cook with them.
Get pumpkins recipes here.

12- Make your own Halloween costume.
You all have stuff home that you don’t use anymore. Let’s give it another life by creating your own Halloween costume. Get ideas and learn how to create your own here:
60 Best Homemade Halloween Costumes for Kids, Adults and Everyone in Between by Good Housekeeping
13- Get spooked at a Haunted House.
I love doing that in the fall before Halloween! To know where to go, search on the internet under events or google it.

14- Enjoy this time of the year to try new recipes for the family.
In the fall, I love buying several butternut squashes. There is nothing better to me than a butternut squash soup. Get some recipes here.

15- Find travel deals to visit a new city.
The last time I have visited San Francisco, I took advantage of an airline seat sale. Check with the airline websites to find deals. Keep your dates and destinations flexible and you might be surprised what you could find.

16- In case of rain, do puzzle, draw, exercise from home, clean your closet, store your summer clothes to create more space for your winter ones.
Read one of my latest post about where to start and how to clean your closet.
17- Shop and prepare your Christmas presents early!
I like shopping in November to have more choices and avoid crowds in stores.
18- Shop during the Black Friday sales.
Before Black Friday, you can Google to have an idea what will be available and where.
19- Learn to knit.
Fall is the perfect time of the year to learn a new skill. Knitting is such a great hobby and your creations can be easily given as Christmas presents. Get videos on YouTube on how to start.
20- Rent a cottage in the mountains.
Fall is usually an easy time of the year to rent a cabin in the woods because it is considered as low season. Start the fireplace and enjoy this relaxing time away from home.
21- Read a good book in front of the fireplace, underneath a soft blanky.
If you don’t have a book handy, you can barrow one at your library or from a friend. If you have a Kiddle or a tablet, you can download a book from your library or buy one online.
22- Attend a fall festival.
You can seek for festivals under the tourist information of your town.

23- Light fall candles.
I love spicy pumpkin smell! I enjoy them when I am reading or soaking in my bathtub.
24- Make a meat or vegetarian chili.
I always make a big batch of my chili. You can freeze it in family portion or can it.
25- Skip the gym and enjoy outdoor sport activities.
Now that summer is over and days are not as hot, enjoy a quick walk or a jog.

26- Write down what you are grateful for in your journal.
You don’t need to be thankful only at Thanksgiving. Every day, write down 3 things for what you are grateful for. Read one of my latest post: 10 Tools to Develop a Positive Attitude
27- Make your own fall wreath for your front door.
Find ideas here: 63 Best Fall Wreaths That’ll Spruce up Your Front Door This Season by Country Living
28- Decorate the inside of your house with a fall touch.
Find ideas here: 95 Cozy Fall Decorating Ideas For Every Home by Shutterfly

29- Take a bike ride.
You just need to dress for the weather. I really enjoy riding my bicycle in the fall because the temperature is perfect.
30- Toast pumpkin seeds.
Learn more here: How to Cook Pumpkin Seeds for a Quick and Easy Snack by Pure Wow
September and October are my favorite autumn months. Because I’m an outdoorsy kind a girl, I enjoy my outdoor activities. I hope you will find some activities and new hobbies to enjoy this transition towards the winter months:)
Read more here:
Fall Bucket List: 40 Autumn Activities & Fun Things to Do by Bucket List Journey by Annette
62 Fun Fall Activities to Do With Friends, Kids, or Solo by Real Simple
55 Best Fall Activities That Make the Most of Crisp Autumn Days by Good Housekeeping