15 Signs That You Have Good Friends in Your Life

Do you have good friends in your life? Can you count on one hand how many dear fiends you have? Usually we have more friendships or acquaintances than dear friends.

Lately, I have decided to walk away from some friends and trust me, it hurts. I realized that the friendship we were sharing before is not there anymore and I just need to accept it. We have changed.

I have different friends depending on the activity I do. Some for hiking, others for camping, downhill skiing, riding motorcycles, etc. I also have girlfriends, which are fun to be around and yet I can cry on their shoulders if I need to.

Some friends are in our lives for a season, some for a few years and others for a lifetime.

Here are 15 questions to ask yourself if you have good friends in your life.

  • You enjoy sharing the same activities
  • You like spending quality time together
  • You look forward to seeing each other
  • You have fun together whatever you do
  • You can be yourself in front of your friends
  • It is easy and you don’t need to force the relationship
  • You care about each other
  • You know that your friends are there to support you
  • Your friends have your back, no matter what
  • You share similar interests
  • Your friends check on you
  • You can call them anytime of the day when you need to talk
  • Your friends don’t judge you
  • Your friends don’t want to hurt you even if they tell you the truth
  • They are kind and respect you

If your friends meet most of those criteria, then you know that they are lifelong friends. Those are the one, which you should cherish the most.

Read more here:
15 Signs That You Are Surrounded By Good Friends by Lifehack
What makes a good friend? by ReachOut.com
Surround Yourself with People You Love and Love You Back by Mel and Abstract Fitness
Equation of Happiness You + Time Spent with Close Friends by Mel and Abstract Fitness
Do you get support from your relatives and friends to achieve your fitness goal? by Mel and Abstract Fitness