Surround Yourself with People You Love and Love You Back

I have been in fitness for over 10 years and I know I found my passion. When I was in Quebec working in Chemistry, in a lab, I knew it was temporary, until I found my dream job.

Over the years, by being a personal trainer and fitness instructor, I have met wonderful people and a lot of them have become part of my family. I don’t have any family members here with me in BC, so my clients and friends are my extended family.

Last Friday, I worked in the morning and in the afternoon, I packed my motorcycle with my tent and sleeping bag to meet my BC parents! They were my clients 10 years ago and we are still in touch. We even rode our motorcycles together for a few years. I value their friendship very much. They were local people and they moved in the lower mainland to be closer to their grandson.

When I arrived at the campground in Osoyoos, they introduced me to their adorable grandson. At first, he was very shy with me but after a few minutes, he was very friendly!! After dinner we played Uno while I was catching up with my BC parents! He has adopted me as well and so do I!

It was just 1 day and we all had so much fun. It was with a heavy heart that I said goodbye to them… until the next time. I took their grandson in my arms and I said to him: “It was nice meeting you my new friend and I hope to see you again very soon. Continue to be a good boy.” I rode back, by myself, using back roads and listening to my favorite tunes.

I know, I’m not the only one living by myself in this province and I feel very fortunate and grateful to have amazing people in my life. I have many parents, grand-parents and friends everywhere I go.

So surround yourself with people who are:

  • There for you when you need them, no matter what.
  • Making yourself feeling amazing.
  • Making you laugh.
  • Encouraging you in your dreams and projects
  • Caring for you.
  • Positive and happy.
  • Truthful and trustworthy.
  • Vulnerable. You can both open your heart to each other.
  • Real in front of you.
  • Enjoying being with you.
  • Staying in touch and visiting you.

While I am writing this story, a lot of you are popping up to my mind. Thank you again for sharing your journey with me. With all my love, Mel.