Grocery shopping when you are starving… very bad idea!

If you go to the grocery store on an empty stomach, you probably know what it is going to happen. You will end up with unhealthy, high calorie food.

In a Cornell University study, shoppers who had skipped a meal bought almost 19% more food overall and a whopping 45% more high-calorie items such as high-fat, carb-loaded items like chips, candy and baked goods.

How do you avoid filling your cart? Here are some tricks you need to try:

– Eat a snack that you brought from home before going in the grocery store.
– If you forgot to bring a snack, grab a small package of sushi for example at your grocery store and eat it right there (yup, you may see me doing it!)
– Stick with your grocery shopping list. By doing this, you will also save money by buying only what you need!!

Have fun shopping!

If you need more tricks, communicate with your fitness trainer in Kelowna