Follow your heart and instinct to build a powerful vision


Usually, each seven years, the human being is in a normal transition.  This transition can be feel like being lost, search for answers by asking different questions of yourself such as, who am I?  Where am I? What are my next desires and goals in life?

Powerful vision is imagin on where you want to be in the near future.  To help you with that transition, write down vision statements and follow those guidelines:

  • Reflect and respect your priorities: make a list of your priorities and afterward put a number beside each of them (1 is the most important)
  • Draw mental pictures: words should become alive and bring your vision to life.
  • Set up your goal: now, do you have an idea of the answer you were looking for?
  • Be positive:  positive statements and thoughts are necessary to move forward
  • Describe your power: by adding an adjective to your statements, you are going to increase your self-esteem and confidence in yourself. “I am strong, capable, organized, and ambitious”.
  • Write down the way you want to feel the day you will reach your goal: “I will feel powerful, proud and courageous”.

If you have a tough day, hit the gym for at least 20 minutes and meditate on your vision.  The more you  have it in your heart and mind, the more you will follow the path you should be on.