Extreme Makeover 2013
In June of 2013, Sensei Laser, located on the Westside, put on an extreme makeover contest with Icon Magazine. I was chosen, among several other local businesses, to pick the winners, June and Ginette, and ultimately make them over! I had such a fun time with both of them during this process. I was able to introduce them to an exercise program which required them to make it a part of their everyday lives. It included being at the gym 3 to 4 times per week plus daily walks. They also learned the effectiveness of combining nutrition with the exercise to achieve quicker and positive results. It was truly amazing to see how all of their hard work transformed their bodies and minds; they experienced a complete change in overall well-being, greater self-esteem and higher energy levels.
Please check out the videos plus the before-and-after photos!!
Icon Magazine 2013:
Capital News: http://www.kelownacapnews.com/news/232740181.html
FITBC: http://www.fitbc.com/personal-trainers/kelowna